Thursday, October 17, 2019

Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett

Warren Buffet Biography

The name of Warren Buffet is known to everyone in the world today, this name is not an introduction to anyone, the world is less than Warren Buffet and the player of the stock market, the magician of Wall Street and the king of Berkshire Hathaway more than this name. It is known that there will be no such TV channel in the world, in which Warren Buffet will not be discussed.

About Warren Buffet

About Warren Buffet
About Warren Buffet

Buffett's father was a businessman in the stock market, Buffett started his business life at the age of 11 with his father in the stock market, Buffett filed his first income tax statement at the age of 13 and filed his cycle for $ 35. The deficit as an expense.
In the final year of High School at the age of 15, Buffett and one of his colleagues bought a used pinball machine for $ 25 and put it in a Nike shop. In just a few months, they had three machines in different places.

Warren Buffett, at the age of 20, applied for admission to Harvard Business School, but was turned down. Warren Buffett then attended Columbia Business School because he knew that Benjamin Graham and David Dodd, two well-known securities analysts, study there. From the same guru, Buffett learned the virtues of investing in the stock market.

Today Buffett has winning assets. His lifestyle is as simple, Buffett still lives in the same house he bought 5 decades ago, he drives his own car, neither do he have any drivers, nor any security guards. , He never travels by private plane, he writes to his CEO only once every year.

Warren Buffett Quotes

                                                      Warren Buffett Quotes

1- “Earnings: Never depend on income alone. Invest to make another source of income. "

2- “Success: When opportunities come, you do something. There was also a moment in my life when I had a bundle of measures. But if I get a solution next week, only then I will be able to do anything, otherwise I will not be able to do anything. ”

3-"Expense: If you are buying the things you do not need, then one day you will have to sell the things you need."

4- "Saving: Do not save what is left after spending, but must save whatever is left after saving."

5- "Risk: Never measure the depth of a river with two legs."

6- "Investment: Never put all your eggs in one basket."

7- “Hope: Honesty is the most expensive gift. Don't expect it from small people. "


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